News & Events

  • TEXMIN risk management tool ready to be downloaded

    The innovative integrated risk management tool was developed in order to link the environmental impacts, associated risks and mitigation methods caused by extreme weather events. The tool provides a “user friendly” roadmap to identify the optimum solution(s) from the point of view of all relevant, identified impacts, helping to decide which management strategy should be chosen to achieve the best results. The tool allows to  identify risks. The risk assessment and some mitigation strategies are provided.

    The integrated risk management tool with User’s Guide can be downloaded here

  • TEXMIN project results

    To learn about TEXMIN project results see the leaflet below. It guides you through all outcomes of the project.

    The leaflet is available here

  • Second revised TEXMIN Handbook edition ready to be downloaded

    Second revised TEXMIN Handbook edition entitled: A Guide to Managing the Risks Posed to Working and Abandoned Mining Facilities, and to the Surrounding Environment, Caused by Climate Change was published ans is ready to be downloaded

    Second revised TEXMIN Handbook edition can be downloaded here

  • TEXMIN in Sustainability

    An article entitled “Numerical Analysis of Groundwater Effects on the Stability of an Abandoned Shallow Underground Coal Mine” was published in the journal Sustainability.

    Read the full article here

  • TEXMIN shares knowledge
    TEXMIN project was presented to stakeholders from Ukraine coal regions, who visited Polish coal regions in transition (Silesia & Wielkopolska) from December 12-15, 2022, as part of the exchange of experience of the region’s authorities in leading the process of transformation of the mining sector within the “Sharing knowledge on the transition of coal regions” implemented under World Bank and National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
  • TEXMIN in Mining Technology

    An article entitled “Modelling flooding due to runoff from spoil heaps during heavy rainfall” was published in Mining Technology.

    Read the full article here

  • POMHAZ project

    The project POMHAZ, funded under Research Fund for Coal & Steel, coordinated by Institut National De L Environnement Industriel Et Des Risques – Ineris is carried out from the 3rd of October 2022 to the 2nd of October 2025. POMHAZ focuses on improving the hazard assessment and the risk management of abandoned coalmines. The main objective is to improve the methodological knowledge for practical realization of multi-hazards analyses, at the scale of a mining basin, in correlation with the main post-mining hazards. TEXMIN project partners, SRK S.A., CERTH, GIG are taking part in POMHAZ project.

    Read more here


    An article entitled “Shaft liquidation method adjusted for high precipitation associated with climate change impact” was published in Journal of Sustainable Mining.

    Read the full article here

  • TEXMIN in Energies

    An article entitled “Slope Stability Numerical Analysis and Landslide Prevention of Coal Mine Waste Dump under the Impact of Rainfall – A Case Study of Janina Mine, Poland” was published in Energies.

    Read the full article here

  • TEXMIN Handbook ready to be downloaded

    TEXMIN Handbook A Guide to Managing the Risks Posed to Working and Abandoned Mining Facilities, and to the Surrounding Environment, Caused by Climate Change was published.

    TEXMIN Handbook can be downloaded here

  • Final Partners Meeting

    The final partners meeting was held on 17th of October 2022 and was organized online. As the content-related progress of project works and the results had been presented during Conference few days earlier, this meeting was focused on progress of final deliverables, administrative aspects and project closure.

  • TEXMIN final conference behind us

    On October 4, 2022, at the Central Mining Institute, the TEXMIN conference was held (in hybrid mode). The conference was held in English, but to provide a wider access to the information presented and due to the interest expressed by Polish stakeholders, the speeches were translated into Polish. The conference was attended by about 90 people, including about 50 participants in the hall, more than 25 people on the English channel and 15 people on the Polish channel. The conference was an opportunity to get acquainted with the solutions enabling the adaptation of the mining sector to climate change and the methods of securing the post-mining infrastructure from the Czech, Greek, Spanish and German mining regions, which were analyzed by the project partners.

    Presentations from the conference are available below:

    Climate change modelling and impacts of extreme weather events on mining sector

    Mitigation strategies and tools for eliminating or minimising the impact of extreme weather events on working and abandoned mines

    Case studies

  • TEXMIN – konferencja podsumowująca 4 października 2022. Rejestracja już otwarta!

    Główny Instytut Górnictwa oraz partnerzy projektu TEXMIN mają zaszczyt zaprosić na międzynarodową konferencję podsumowującą w ramach projektu pn. Wpływ ekstremalnych zjawisk pogodowych na działalność górniczą (TEXMIN). Projekt ma na celu identyfikację zagrożeń dla czynnych i likwidowanych kopalń oraz terenów pogórniczych wraz z oceną wpływów spowodowanych krótkoterminowymi ekstremalnymi zjawiskami pogodowymi oraz długotrwałymi zmianami klimatycznymi.

    Konferencja odbędzie się w Głównym Instytucie Górnictwa w Katowicach w dniu 4 października 2022 w godzinach od 9.00 do 16.00 (w wersji hybrydowej) i będzie okazją do dyskusji oraz zapoznania się z możliwymi rozwiązaniami dla adaptacji sektora górniczego do zmian klimatu oraz zabezpieczenia infrastruktury pokopalnianej z czeskich, greckich, hiszpańskich i niemieckich regionów górniczych.

    Zobacz agendę konferencji podsumowującej tutaj

    Zarejestruj się już dziś! Formularz dostępny tutaj

  • TEXMIN – final conference 4th of October 2022. Registration is open now!

    The Central Mining Institute and the partners of the TEXMIN project are pleased to invite you to the international conference summarizing the project TEXMIN (The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Mining Activities) results. One of project aims was to identify risks to active and decommissioned mines and post-mining areas, along with an assessment of impacts caused by short-term extreme weather events and long-term climate change.

    The conference will be held at the Central Mining Institute in Katowice, Poland, on October 4, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (in hybrid mode) and will provide an opportunity to discuss and learn about possible solutions for adapting the mining sector to climate change and securing post-mining infrastructure from Czech, Greek, Spanish and German mining regions.

    See final conference agenda here

    Register now! The registration form is available here

  • TEXMIN regional workshop in Czech Republic

    From the 22th of September 2022 to the 23th of September 2022 the XXVI conference in Sloup was held. The special session devoted to TEXMIN project took place during conference.

    See agenda here

  • TEXMIN in Przegląd Górniczy

    An article entitled: “Materiały zasypowe do likwidacji szybów górniczych” was published in Przegląd Górniczy, 78/2, p. 26-33.

    Full article available here

  • Sinkholes in Poland

    As a result of the flooding of the former Siersza mine in Poland, as well as in connection with the phenomena occurring – periods of prolonged drought and subsequent intensive precipitation – dangerous events on the surface related to the loss of stability of the ground are recorded with increasing frequency. In the period 2021-2022, more than 12 such events occurred, the most ‘spectacular’ of which are: a sinkhole in the mining area of the former Siersza mine – in the area of the allotment gardens in Trzebinia – this sinkhole occurred in the area of the allotment gardens on 24.11.2021, a sinkhole in the area between Jana Pawła II Street in Trzebinia and the allotment gardens, which occurred in an open area on 25.07.2022, and a sinkhole in the area of the cemetery on the Gaj district in Trzebinia on 20.09.2022.

    The sinkhole in the allotment gardens in Trzebinia The sinkhole close to Jana Pawła II Street in Trzebinia

  • TEXMIN on PKG2022

    TEXMIN on PKG2022 12/09/2022 The Polish Mining Congress (PKG2022) is the most important forum for representatives of science and industry in the broader area of mining. This year’s 5th Polish Mining Congress was held at the International Congress Centre in Katowice on 6-7 September 2022 during the EXPO KATOWICE International Fair. It was a unique event where the current problems of the mining industry and the challenges facing the 21st century mining industry were discussed. The Congress was attended by nearly 180 people involved in the mining industry.Within the session on Environmental protection and revitalisation of mining and post-mining areas, a paper presenting the results of research carried out as part of the TEXMIN project entitled “Influence of extreme precipitation on fire hazard on coal waste dumps – a case study” by Zenon Różański, Paweł Wrona, Grzegorz Pach, Adam Niewiadomski (Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland) was presented.

  • TEXMIN results on Kassel22 conference

    The DMT team presented TEXMIN results during the conference Kassel22, which was held on 6th and 8th of September 2022 in Kassel city. The Kassel22 is a German conference on the subject of mine water and water from salt production with an international character.

    Results were presented regarding the climatic effects on the quantity and quality of mine water. The DMT team spoke, among other things, about the methodology developed to carry out numerical modelling with the established numerical mine water tool Boxmodel for the prognosis of climate influence on mine water.

    The main goal of the method is to investigate the influence of precipitation and the associated groundwater formation on the quantity and quality of mine water using numerical modelling and simulation based on various application areas.

    DMT presented the process developed to appropriately integrate the storage and seepage processes in the overburden above the mine into an overall concept. The procedure enables a better understanding of the origin of the inflows into the mines as well as a consideration of climatic trends and uncertainties for mine water quantities and material loads.

    See all sessions here

  • Janina heap analyses


    On the 11th of August, another scan of the Janina Waste Mine Heap was carried out. A thermal camera was used to assess the effect of vegetation on lowering the ground temperature.

  • ExchangeEU meeting

    On July 20 in Libiąż, representatives of the GIG and TAURON Wydobycie participated in a meeting under the ExchangeEU project funded by the European Commission. During the meeting with representatives of the regions of Usti from the Czech Republic and Aragon from Spain, as well as the local government of Libiąż and representatives of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region, the results of the TEXMIN project were presented.

    As part of the meeting, a field visit was made to the Mine Janina Mining Waste Disposal Facility “Szyjki”, where pilot installations aimed at reclamation of the above-mentioned facility were carried out within the framework of the project. The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the Just Transformation of mining regions and the opportunities and risks associated with this process.

  • KEK visited Silesia region

    TEXMIN project aims and results have been presented to the delegation of representatives of public authorities and the Kosovo Energy Corporation j.s.c (KEK). The risk assessment approach was discussed during the visit at GIG premise. Additionally the guests have seen the results of pilot installation at Głowacki shaft at The Historic “Ignacy” Coal Mine in Rybnik.

    Kosovo delegation visit in Silesia region was organized within the framework of the European Commission’s functioning Secretariat “Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine,” and the guests came at the invitation of the Association of Mining Communities in Poland (SGGP). The main purpose of the visit is to exchange experiences related to the energy transition process and its effects on the economy, society and the environment. The delegation stayed in the Silesia Region from 12-14.07.2022.


  • REA visisted TEXMIN pilot installation

    On the 7th of July, representatives of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation Mr. Andrea Gentili and Mr. Moises Blanco Rios and Mr Paul Webb of the Research Executive Agency (REA) have been hosted by GIG and JSW to discuss selected research projects, implemented within Coal and Steel Research Fund.
    We have had a pleasure to show them pilot installation of TEXMIN project at Janina waste heap in Libiąz.

  • TEXMIN on workshop

    On Monday, the 20th of June 2022 TEXMIN risk management tool and the results of pilot installations for heap stabilization in the light of extreme rainfall were discussed with representatives of Moravskoslezské Investice a Development, a.s. (MSID), Vysoka Skola Banska (VSB) – Technical University of Ostrava) and DIAMO. The discussion was directed to possibilities of using the TEXMIN results within the framework of the Air Protection Programme (POHO 2030) and Climate Change Adaptation Plan being prepared in the framework of the IP LIFE COALA project in the Moravian-Silesian Region. 

  • 6th Partners Progress Meeting

    From the 2nd to 3rd of June 2022 the 6th Partners Meeting took place in Spain. Subterra hosted the meeting. The meeting was organized in hybrid formula. General project progress and status of periodic report and specific deliverables were summed up. During the meeting the technical visit in Santa Bárbara Foundation in León was organized.

  • Climate change by BBC

    Professor Karen Hudson Edwards, the main CSM academic, explained the need of the slope monitoring investigation in the BBC article. The article mentioned also TEXMIN project and the work done by TEXMIN project partner, University of Exeter.


  • Regional workshop in GIG

    On the 26th of May 2022 in the Central Mining Institute a regional workshop took place. The workshop was organized in the framework of the project entitled The impact of extreme weather events on mining activities with the acronym TEXMIN. The workshop was realised in the hybrid formula.
    During the workshop, results of remedial measures for shafts and mining waste stockpiles tested on a pilot scale were presented, among others, at one of the facilities belonging to Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A. and TAURON Wydobycie S.A.
    The results of identification and assessment of environmental impacts on operating and decommissioned mines caused both by short-term extreme weather events and long-term climate change were presented.
    The final stage of the project will develop strategies for adaptation and monitoring activities to mitigate current and future impacts.
    The project is carried out in a consortium consisting of: Silesian University of Technology, Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A. from Poland, TAURON Wydobycie S.A., University of Exeter from the UK, CERTH Research Centre from Greece, Lignite Research Institute from the Czech Republic, companies: Subterra Ingenieria from Spain and DMT from Germany and the Central Mining Institute as the project coordinator.
    The project is funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. A final conference concluding the three-year research project will be held in September this year.

  • Regional workshop in GIG

    On the 26th of May 2022 the regional workshop entitled: “Impact of weather phenomena on the mining sector and post-mining areas – regional workshop” will take place in the headquaters of Central Mining Institute.

    The conclusions will be soon available.

  • TEXMIN project on

    SRK S.A., TEXMIN project partner, carries out research projects using many of its strengths. The liquidation of the Głowacki shaft was combined with the study of the impact of extreme weather events on mining activities.

    Read the full article in Polish here

  • Drought in numbers

    A new report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) called Drought In Numbers, 2022 was released on 11 May. It was released to mark Drought Day at UNCCD’s 15th Conference of Parties.

    See the whole report here

  • Measurment of Janina mine waste in Poland

    On the 19 of April 2022 POI Format performed a dron flight to measure the geometry of the slope of the Janina mine waste disposal facility in Libiąż in Poland. The measurements, using the photogrammetric method, will allow to determine the effectiveness of the pilot installation of slope protection against the effects of extreme weather events.

  • The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report

    The second part of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability was finalized on 27 February 2022 during the 12th Session of Working Group II and 55th Session of the IPCC.

    The Working Group II contribution to the report assesses the impacts of climate change in the context of ecosystems, biodiversity, human communities.  The report presents vulnerabilities, capacities and limits of environment and societies to adapt to climate change.

    The summary for decision makers is available here

    See also other documents available here

  • How to achieve climate resilience by 2030? – NCBR webinar answered

    GIG representatives participated in a webinar entitled “EU mission: climate change adaptation – how to achieve climate resilience by 2030”, held on the 20 January 2022. The webinar was organised by the NCBR (National Center for Research and Development) Office in Brussels/BSP (Business & Science Poland) and the Office of PolSCA PAN in Brussels. During the webinar, the assumptions of the mission were presented and two panel discussions took place. The meeting was held on the basis of the Implementation Plan developed by the European Commission and competitions announced under Horizon Europe. The webinar was a great opportunity for peer learning.

  • The collapse incident in Poland

    On the 23th of November 2021 the next collapse of land took place in Trzebinia in Poland. The area was shallowly exploited around the 19th and 20th centuries by the Izabella mine, which was established at the beginning of the 19th century. The current situation results from rising groundwater after the liquidation of the Siersza mine.

    Read more here

  • TEXMIN discussed on regional seminar

    How to minimize the negative effects of climate change in cities? How is the relationship between technology and global climate change shaping up? How should devices work for cities? What is “global change”, “global challenge” and “global responsibility”?

    These were the main topics of discussion among a wide range of participants (experts, students of the ISM College, local authority respresentatives and institutions dealing with cities, youth and activists) at an open seminar in the series “Environment of the City – City of Environment” (środowisko miasta – miasto środowiska).

    The seminar was organized by College of Individual Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Silesia on the 25th of November2021.

    Project TEXMIN scope and some of project results, especially in local scale were presented by GIG during this seminar and discussed among the students. 

  • TEXMIN on ISMSSE 2021

    Local results of the TEXMIN project, especially the methodology, implementation and consequences of the decommissioning of the Głowacki Shaft, were presented during  The Fifth International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE 2021) on Wednesday 24th of November 2021.

    ISMSSE 2021 was held from November 21 to 25, 2021 in Katowice. This year’s edition, organized in a hybrid format, was attended by more than 200 participants from 18 countries. More than 120 papers on the latest scientific and technical developments in mining were presented during 11 thematic sessions.

  • ‘Harmful impacts of mining’ webinar

    The webinar titled „Harmful impacts of mining. How to normalise prevention?” took place on November 11, 2021 with the participation of TEXMIN team members as the audience. The webinar followed the publication of the report: „Harmful impacts of mining. How to normalise prevention?”. The panel of speakers from RMF, ICMM, IndustriALL Global Union, Mining Watch Canada, ICoCA, and Vedanta Resources explored the question about the harmful impact of mining and what to do about it. The webinar called for the normalisation of prevention of harmful impacts across the industry.

    You can watch the webinar here

  • 28th International Science and Technology Conference

    TEXMIN project and its current regional results, especially concerning the aspect of impact of waste backfill materials for mine shaft decommissioning on groundwater quality in the context of changing water inflow due to climate change were presented and discussed during 28th International Science and Technology Conference Mining Natural Hazards 2021 on the 8th of November 2021.

    Read more  here 

  • ‘Mining and Climate Change’ webinar

    On the 26th of October 2021 TEXMIN team participated in the webinar ‘Mining and Climate Change’ organized and held by China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters (CCCMC) and Responsible Mining Foundation (RMF). In the context of ESG, SDG, and the energy transition, CEO of RMF Ms. Hélène Piaget presented conclusions from conducted research on the persistence of the harmful impacts of mining, to raise awareness about the importance of prevention and responsible mining in relation to climate change. Mr XIE Xionghui from Zijin Mining Group Ltd – one of the biggest chinese mining operators, presented precautions against extreme climate risks run through the lifecycle of mining industry. Remarks and discussion on climate change impacts and mining opeartions will be useful in elaboration of Risk Management Plan in TEXMIN project.

  • 5th Partners Progress Meeting

    The 5th TEXMIN meeting was held on the 4th and 6th of October 2021. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held at a distance among involved partners via the online platform of MS Teams. Subterra Ingenieria, S.L. hosted this online meeting. General project progress and specific deliverables were summed up.

  • TEXMIN project on regional conference

    TEXMIN project and its current results were presented during the regional conference dedicated to OPI TPP 2.0 project “Extension of post-mining areas management system in the Silesia Province”.
    The conference which took place on September 27th in the hall of the Silesian Parliament was addressed to the representatives of scientific circless, business environment institutions, mining entities, communes and districts of the Silesian Province and provinces related to the transformation process.

    Due to sanitary restrictions, the conference was also available as an online broadcast.
    The transmission from the conference (in Polish) can be seen here  

  • Floods in Western Europe are more likely

    Extreme rainfall events caused by climate change are more likely to happen. The article showed that more than 400 studies have examined whether climate change made particular weather events more likely.

    Read more here

  • TEXMIN promotional video shooted

    In the summer, we have been shooting promotional video showing – among others – the current state of work on an application in pilot scale the remedial measures for stabilization of mine spoil dump – Janina mine in Libiąż in situation of extreme weather events occurrence.
    We would like to share some shots.

  • The first part of the IPCC 6th Assesment Report released

    The Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis was released on the 9 of August 2021. It was finalized on 6 August 2021 during the 14th Session of Working Group I. The reports integrates changes in the climate in every region in the Earth. It delivers new estimates of the global warming in the next decades and proves that human have a chance to determine the future course of climate.


    The full report is available here

  • Expected increase in extreme weather events

    Chief Scientist at the World Meteorological Organization, Jürg Luterbacher, told during an interview with DW that extreme events would increase in future.

    Read more here

  • Melting permafrost in Russia

    The effects of climate change are visible in Russia. The permafrost in Siberia is melting, triggering mudslides and releasing greenhouse gases.


  • Summer period 2021 full of extreme events

    In the summer period of 2021 the heavy rainfall, floods and heatwaves hit Europe. Western Europe suffered floods, causing dozens of casualties, and at same time Northern Europe suffered extended heatwave.


  • IPCC votes over 6th Assessment Report

    The Sixth Assessment Report will be available soon. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) opened a meeting on the 26th of July to approve its next report on the physical science basis of climate change.


  • Sharing of TEXMIN project experiences with stakeholders

    TEXMIN project experiences – with special focus on negative impact of extreme weather events for the status of mining infrastructure and an application in pilot scale the remedial measures for stabilization of mine spoil dump in situation of extreme weather events occurrence has been shared with representatives of Ukrainian mining sector, within the established cooperation aimed at exchanging experiences between mining regions of Poland and Ukraine.

    The initiative is part of an international programme which supports countries in creating and implementing socially friendly low-carbon energy. It is a platform for the Western Balkans and Ukraine.

    More information about the program can be found here

  • TEXMIN project’s press release

    The talk with Małgorzata Markowska from the Central Mining Institute, the project coordinator, about extreme weather events affecting mining activities in Newspaper was held.

    Read the full article here


    The article of Trybuna Górnicza called “Not only reclamation” mentions TEXMIN project. TEXMIN project partner, Silesian Technical University from Gliwice, carries out works related to ecology and the current operation of the mines. Revitalization of post-mining areas in southern Poland is a pressing problem. TEXMIN concerns the impact of extreme weather events and long-term climate changes on mining activities, both in the case of active and closed mines. Climate change scenarios were determined on the basis of regional climate models and the baseline survey. Changes related to an increase in precipitation intensity, sudden changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure are identified and assessed in relation to mines in Europe.

    The article is available here

  • Special Issue of TEXMIN project now available

    The Virtual Special Collection of articles published in regular issues of the Journal of Sustainable Mining called Climate change impacts on the mining industry (2021) is now available. The articles are a result of the TEXMIN project.

    Read full articles on

  • TEXMIN project in Rybnik

    Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń (SRK), TEXMIN project partner, fills the shaft of the former Ignacy mine in Rybnik called the Głowacki shaft. In the last years of its operation, the Głowacki shaft was a transport shaft and finally in 2008 became the ventilation shaft of the Rydułtowy mine. The shaft decommissioning is carried out in accordance with the technical design developed jointly by SRK and the Central Mining Institute (GIG) within TEXMIN project.


  • European State of the Climate 2020

    The comprehensive overview of European climate in 2020 year including a focus on the Arctic and a summary of global conditions is now available in the European State of the Climate 2020.

    See more on

  • Provisional agreement on the European Climate Law

    On the 21st of April 2021 the Commission welcomes provisional agreement between the co-legislators on the European Climate Law. The European Climate Law highlights the EU’s commitment to reaching climate neutrality by 2050 as well as  reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030.Read more on

  • TEXMIN partners meeting

    The 4rd TEXMIN meeting was held on the 22th – 23th of March 2021. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held at a distance among involved partners via the online platform of MS Teams. GIG as Leader of the project hosted this online meeting. General project progress and status of periodic report and specific deliverables were summed up.

  • World Meteorological Day

    23th of March is the World Meteorological Day. In 2021 the World Meteorological Day is devoted to the theme “the ocean, our climate and weather.”


  • Sharing knowledge on the transition of coal regions

    TEXMIN intermediate results and generally the climate change and mining inter-relation was presented on 3rd of March during I study visit (online) of stakeholders from Ukraine organized within the initiative of  “Sharing knowledge on the transition of coal regions”.


  • EU climate legislation

    The European Commission published the contributions to public consultations on climate legislation.

    Read more on See the 2030 Climate Target Plan

  • EU strategy on adaptation a Climate Change

    The European Commission adopted today a new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change. The Strategy sets out the pathway to prepare for the unavoidable impacts of climate change.

    Read more on Download the Strategy here

  • State of the Global Climate 2020

    Report of WMO reveals that the global mean temperature for 2020 was 1.2±0.1°C above the 1850–1900 baseline. Morover, 2020 is likely to be one of the three warmest years on record globally.

    Read more on See the whole report here

  • Devastating flooding in Skewen

    The discussion on the devastating flooding in Skewen in January, caused by water from old mine workings.

    The material is available here

  • Change of reference period for climate data

    WMO recommends to calculate the new climate normals as soon as possible. C3S uses the 1991-2020 climate normal as the main reference period for the monthly climate bulletins from January 2021 onward and for the European State of the Climate for 2021. A an example January 2021 was 0.24°C above the 1991-2020 reference period, but 0.43°C above the 1981-2010 period.


  • Extreme rainfall in Skewen

    Mine shaft filling up with water and bursting after extreme rainfall causes flooding and damage to many homes in Skewen.

    More information available here

  • Foreign Affairs Council calls for global action

    EU is calling for a global phase-out of harmful fossil-fuel subsidies including unabated coal in power generation. EU is calling also for promoting further technological innovation and development to advance the worldwide transformation towards climate neutrality.


  • Flooding hit Wales after heavy rain

    Parts of Wales have been affected by flooding on the 19th of December. A coal tip is at risk of slipping down the mountainside in the Rhondda valleys.


  • A turning point of Paris Agreement

    The Climate Action Tracker has calculated that global warming by 2100 could be as low as 2.1°C if all national governments meet their 2050 net zero emissions targets.

    Read more on Click here to read full report.

  • EU grennhouse gas emissions decreased in 2019


    In annual EU Climate Action Progress Repor the EU commission revealed that greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-27 decreased by 3.7 % year-on-year. Emissions have now been reduced by 24% compared to 1990 levels. 

    Read more on The full report can be dowloaded here

  • EU Emissions Trading System decreased in 2019

    The annual report on the functioning of the European carbon market has finded that emissions from installations covered by the EU Emissions Trading System decreased by 9.1% in 2019 compared to 2018. It is the equivalent of around 152 million tonnes of CO2.Read more on Click here to read full report.

  • Record-breaking September 2020

    The latest Copernicus Climate Change Service revealed that September 2020 is record-breaking month for the C3S dataset. Arctic sea ice extent for the month of September was also visible. to read full report


  • 2020 Atlantic hurricane season

    The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season is very active. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted that the 2020 season has seen an exceptionally high number of named storms, reaching the letter V (Vicky) as of Monday 14 September, which is the earliest 20th Atlantic named storm on record. The season lasts until 30 November


  • TEXMIN Partners Progress Meeting

    The 3rd TEXMIN meeting was held on the 18th of September 2020. Due to the pandemic situation, the meeting was held  via the online platform of WebEx. The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) hosted the online meeting. General project progress and status of specific deliverables were summed up. Partners are going to organise regular bilateral workshops and meetings online for smooth tasks preparation.

  • Commission proposes 55% cut in emissions by 2030

    The European Commission presented its plan to reduce net EU greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. It will put the EU on a balanced pathway to reaching climate neutrality by 2050.


  • TEXMIN about hazardous events in mining in Poland

    The paper entitled: “A Preliminary Assessment of Climate Change Impacts – Implications for Mining Activity in Polish Coal Regions” presents an overview of hazardous events in mining in Poland that were related to extreme weather phenomena. The presented analyses and conclusions are the results of the first activities in the TEXMIN project.

    Read the full article published in the Archives of Mining Sciences here

  • Europe’s new growth strategy – the Green Deal 

    Frans Timmermans said that the European Green Deal is Europe’s new growth strategy. A strategy where environmental, economic and social sustainability go hand-in-hand.


  • Water stress vs climate change

    A study published in Earth’s Future analyzes how climate change could shape water stress across international borders.

    The full report can be downloaded here

  • Influence of climate change on Extreme weather conditions

    A study published in Nature Climate Change presented that global warming would make persistent extreme weather, such as longer heatwaves, droughts and extended rainy periods, more likely to occure. This comes on top of the increase in average temperatures.


    The whole article could be downloaded here

  • Giant coal tip in Rhondda Valley

    The weather conditions in February caused severe flooding in communities across Rhondda Cynon Taf and other areas of Wales. Now, a spoil from a former coal tip in Tylorstown is being removed after a landslip during winter storms.


  • 2020 as warmest year on record

    Carbon Brief estimates that 2020 is most likely to be either the warmest or second warmest year on record. It depends on the approach used during calculation.

    Read more on the

  • TEXMIN deals with restoration problems of North Bohemian Mines

    The article entitled: “Aktuální pedologická problematika rekultivovaných lokalit oblasti Severočeských dolů a.s.” deals with the methodology of the survey, with the localisation of different individual types of areas, characterization of differences between Bílina mine and Nástup Tušimice mine areas and the optimal  methodology for the restoration of the areas of interest.

    Read the full article published in the Zpravodaj HNĚDÉ UHLÍ 2/2020 here

  • Annual report on CO2 emissions from maritime transport

    The European Commission has published the first annual report on COemissions from maritime transport related to the European Economic Area (EEA) in 2018.

    The whole report can be downloaded here

  • Tipping points triggered by climate change

    Nine tipping points are thresholds where a small change could push a system into a completely new state.

    Read more on the

  • TEXMIN project’ press release

    Project coordinator Małgorzata Markowska said about TEXMIN current undertaken work to compare climate and weather trends and to provide an in-depth description of extreme weather phenomena occurring in coal basins, which allowed for the identification and parameterization of the base conditions for the developed  scenarios.

    Read more about Texmin project on the

  • COP26 delay

    The COP26 conference, scheduled to take place this November in Glasgow, is postponed untill 2021 as it cannot take place during pandemic.


  • TEXMIN poster released

    TEXMIN poster was prepared by Project Partners and is ready for non-technical dissemination among broader public.

    Texmin poster is available here

  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland about TEXMIN project

    Ministry of Science and Higher Education has recognized the importance of problems that we have dealed with within TEXMIN project. Until now, the links between climate change and the mining industry have been considered only in terms of the industry’s environmental impact. Currently, the opposite trend is also observed – the impact of climate on mining activities.

    The whole article can be read on the

  • TEXMIN partners meeting

    The 2nd TEXMIN partners meeting was held on the 18th/19th of February 2020 in Exeter, hosted by the University of Exeter. During the meeting project partners have the possibility to visit the Met Office in Exeter. The Met Office is the UK’s national weather service providing weather and climate-related services to the Armed Forces, government departments, the public, civil aviation, shipping, industry, agriculture and commerce. The Met Office comprises the Hadley Centre for Climate prediction and research.

  • WWF analyzed water risk in mining sector

    WWF report warns that mining companies and commodities face significant water risks (see whole report).


  • EIB climate survey

    The European Investment Bank has launched the second edition of the EIB climate survey. The survey reavels citizens’ perception of climate change and its impact.Read more on

  • Commissioner Ferreira visited Poland

    European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira visited Poland, what has opened a new chapter in the country’s transformation into a sustainable economy.


  • 2019 was the warmest year on record in Europe

    The latest information shows that in 2019 temperatures were over 1.2 degrees Celsius above the 1981-2010 average. As regards the rest of the world, 2019 was the second warmest year on average.


  • Climate-neutral continent by 2050

    The European Green Deal, presented by Commission on 11 December 2019, has revealed the ambition of becoming the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050. One of the pillars of a Just Transition Mechanism proposed by the European Commission on 14 January is the Just Transition Fund, that will enter into force on 1 January 2021 and will provide the resources to reduce the impact of transition towards climate neutrality.


  • Comprehensive References for COP25

    “Success in tackling the climate crisis is about collaboration, about interaction with different people that sometimes feel apart, but when they see a common goal they can achieve magic” said Gonzalo Muñoz on COP25. The Yearbook of Global Climate Action 2019 and the Climate Action Pathways has been already available.Read more on

  • Climate change incident

    A landslide engulfed a gold mine in Democratic Republic Congo’s eastern Ituri province. It happened after days of torrential rain battered the region.


  • Climate environmental emergency

    European Parliament declares a climate and environmental emergency in Europe and globally in view of the upcoming COP 25 that will take place in Madrid on 2-13 December 2019. Read more on

  • Preparation to COP 25

    The relevant issue of COP25 will be “the single element of the Rulebook left outstanding in Katowice: the guidance on voluntary cooperation and market-based mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement” – said Commissioner Arias Cañete at the Plenary Session of the European Parliament on 25 November 2019. Read more on

  • EU greenhouse gas emissions declined in 2018

    Four reports presenting how the EU and its Member States implement EU climate policy was adopted by the European Commission on the 31st of October 2019. EU greenhouse gas emissions declined by 2% in 2018 and reached the lowest values since 1990 (down 23%). Read more on

  • Kick-off meeting

    TEXMIN project kick – off meeting was organized on 25th – 26th of September 2019 at Central Mining Institute (GIG) premise in Katowice (PL).

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