On October 4, 2022, at the Central Mining Institute, the TEXMIN conference was held (in hybrid mode). The conference was held in English, but to provide a wider access to the information presented and due to the interest expressed by Polish stakeholders, the speeches were translated into Polish. The conference was attended by about 90 people, including about 50 participants in the hall, more than 25 people on the English channel and 15 people on the Polish channel. The conference was an opportunity to get acquainted with the solutions enabling the adaptation of the mining sector to climate change and the methods of securing the post-mining infrastructure from the Czech, Greek, Spanish and German mining regions, which were analyzed by the project partners.

Presentations from the conference are available below:
Climate change modelling and impacts of extreme weather events on mining sector
- Introduction to TEXMIN project (Polish version is available here)
- Impact of precipitation and groundwater level changes affecting tailing dams and natural hillsides located over underground mining areas
- A new perspective for the numerical slope stability of surface coal mines due to rainfall
- Advantages and disadvantages of overburden protection of deep mines from surface weather phenomena
- Gas emissions form closed mine in light of climate change
- Summary of impacts & synthesis of modelling undertaken in TEXMIN project
Mitigation strategies and tools for eliminating or minimising the impact of extreme weather events on working and abandoned mines
- Strategies and remedial actions for impact and risks affecting mining structures
- Impact identification related with changes in precipitation and monitoring methodology in tailing dams
- Risk monitoring and adaptation measures during the reclamation of mining region sites
- Supporting processes of forecasting and reacting to climate risks
Case studies
- Case study 1: New reclamation methodology and mitigation measures at Radovesice spoil heap, Most Basin, CZ
- Case study 2: The role of groundwater on the stability of an abandoned shallow underground room and pillar coal mine
- Case study 3: Effects of extreme infiltration conditions in the southern Ruhr area on pumping and pump management
- Case study 4: Polish experiences and perspectives, monitoring results and interconnection between RECOVERY and TEXMIN
- Synthesis and handbook presentation